Níkolī’s ‘Bad One Tonight’
A Surprise Hit With First Single
October 20, 2022
Nashville, TN

A Las Vegas-based hard rock band called Níkolī is making some noise with their debut single Bad One Tonight.  It grabs you from the start and leaves you wanting to hear it again and again.

Last Friday afternoon I received an unsolicited email from just another ‘up-and-coming’ band wanting a review of their new music. I get hundreds of these requests every week and almost never get around to opening them but this one was different. It wasn’t your typical cookie-cutter, auto generated spam message. It stood out; it was polished and just looked like something I should take the time to review. 

Bad One Tonight is one of those songs that just gets stuck in your head. As soon as I played it the first time I hit repeat, twice. The next thing you know I was walking into the offices of the only two remaining people at work and playing it for them. I even played it in the car on the way home. It has now been passed around the office for the last few days and I have yet to hear anything but positive reviews.

I’ve reached out to the band to schedule a full length interview to get to know them and find out more information about their music. Look for a follow up in a couple of weeks. Until then, be sure to check out the bands website at They have another single, Bullets scheduled to be released next week. I can’t wait to check that one out as well.

J. Stein

Band Contact Info:


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